VIII Acerinox Award goes to María García Massaneda, Elisava

English .EN
Industria alimentaria

The winner in this 8th Acerinox Award edition is María García Massaneda, from ELISAVA, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering. María presented her final degree project, 4BQ Stainless Steel BBQ conducted by Roger Arquer and Marta González. 

The project is addressed from the social and environmental view, considering the impact of the pandemic, the climate crisis and therefore promoting moments of community connection in nature. It also looks for overcoming limitations of the outdoor cooking, offering a product that combines aesthetic and functionality.

The Jury formed by Mr. Angel Castillo Talavera (Director of the Institute for Construction Science Eduardo Torroja-CSIC), President of the Jury, Mr. Bernardo Velázquez Herreros (Acerinox Chief Executive Officer), Ms. Gemma Herranz Sánchez-Cosgalla (Sub-Director of Academic Planning at ETSII-CR in University of Castilla La Mancha), Mr. Tristán López Chicheri (L35 Studio CEO and Architect) and Mr. Francisco Fernández de la Mata (Acerinox Europa Manufacturing Director), highlighted the quality of all the finalist projects. They outlined María's for its originality, complete study of a real application ready for distribution, the correct selection of the material and the incorporation of concepts such as the preliminary feasibility study, the design and fabrication phases and the subsequent marketing of the product, among others.

The date of the ceremony will be announced at our website and social media.