Finalists for the VI Acerinox Award

Español .SP

We would like to share with all of you the Finalists for the VI ACERINOX AWARD. 

A prestigious Jury, formed by: 

Mr. José Antonio Odriozola Gordon (Professor at University of Seville, Inorganic Chemistry Dpt.), President of the Jury, Mrs. Andrea Aginagalde López (Mondragón Unibertsitatea, Polytechnic School, Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Dpt.), Mr. Juan Carlos del Real Romero (Engineering Technical School ICAI, Mechanical Engineering Dpt.), Mr. Bernardo Velázquez Herreros (Acerinox Chief Executive Officer) and Mr. Francisco Fernández de la Mata (Acerinox Flat Product Manufacturing Director).

will choose the VI Acerinox Award between the two finalist projects: 

  1. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SURFACE MODIFICATION OF A METASTABLE AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL INDUCED BY GROUND POLISHING, carried out by Raimon Sucarrats I Olus from Barcelona East Engineering School (Polytechnic University of Catalunya) and mentored by Mr. Joan Josep Roa Rovira and Mr. Antonio Manuel Mateo García.
  2. DISEÑO Y MONTAJE DE UNA MÁQUINA TRITURADORA DE HIELO, CON CINTA DE ALIMENTACIÓN Y SISTEMA DE CRIBADO ("Design and installation of an ice shredder with feed belt and sieving system"), carried out by Jorge Alcañiz Ull from Technology and Experimental Sciences Superior School (Jaume I University of Castellón) and mentored by Mrs. Ana María Piquer Vicent.

After Jury’s decision, the winner will be announced.