Acerinox Ceremony Award, 5th Edition

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Today in the Acerinox head office building, the ceremony of the 5th Edition of the Acerinox Awards has taken place.  The winner is Celeste Villarroel Kristiansen with “Los Cuerpos Celestes”, an amazing architectural project where stainless steel is widely used.

Bernardo Velázquez, Acerinox Chief Executive Officer, José Manuel Torralba Chairman of the Jury and Luis Peiró, Cedinox Director attended the event, together with Manuel Blanco Director of the School of Architecture of Madrid and Fernando Vela, Vice-rector for Academic Organisation of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).

The beauty of the design and the good application and selection of the stainless steel have been highlighted.  The use of a sustainable and durable material has been proven in the project, showing the stainless steel versatility in architecture. 

Stainless steel is becoming increasingly employed in architecture so, Acerinox and the School of Architecture of Madrid are studying some collaborative proposals. 

The rules to participate in the Acerinox Awards are at