6 Finalists for the V ACERINOX AWARD

English .EN

We already have the Finalists for the V Acerinox Award.  6 projects have been selected among many received that fulfilled the basis of the contest. The Jury appointed for the occassion will issue their decision in the middle of December 2020.

The Jury is formed by: 

President: Mr. José Manuel Torralba (Metallurgical Engineer, Dr. Eng. Metallurgy, Dr. Eng. Armament, Head of the Materials Science and Engineering Dpt. (UC3M) , Catedrático del Dpto. de materiales, Ciencia e Ingeniería, (Univ. Carlos III) and Vice-rector for Academics Infrastructures (UC3M), Vice-rector for Research and Innovation (UC3M). Deputy Director of Institute IMDEA Materials.

Other members:

Mr. Enrique León García, Architect, one of the two founders of the prestigious study of architecture Ortiz-León Arquitectos.

Mr. Manuel Biedma García. Civil Engineer, Technical Director Acciona Structural Engineering Department.

Mr. Bernardo Velázquez Herreros. Industrial Engineer. Acerinox CEO, UNESID Chairman, International Stainless Steel Forum, ISSF, Chairman.

Mr. Antonio Moreno Zorrilla. Acerinox Europa Production Manager.

The 6 final projects have been chosen for their technical grade and added value in industrial processes. These are: 

1 - "Los Cuerpos Celestes". Final Project Degree. School of Architecture, Madrid, author: Celeste Villarroel Kristiansen.

2Manufacturing and characterization of components produced via fused deposition modeling (FDM) utilizing metal injection molding (MIM) feedsotck with a focus on steel alloy 316L. Master's in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering. ETSI Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña, author Timothy Ouradnik.

3 -  "Diseño de una cantimplora multifuncional con luminaria". Final Project Degree, Jaume I Univeristy, author: Iñigo Zárraga López-Quiles.

4 - Coastal walkway between Sada and Gandarío beaches, Final Project Degree. Civil Engineering.  ETSI de caminos canales y puertos A Coruña University, author: Laura Edreira Marzoa.

5 - Structural behaviour of stainless steel frames subject to fire. Proyecto máster  ETSI de Caminos canales y Puertos  UPC, author: Guillermo Segura Valdivieso.

- "Diseño y caracterización mecánica de estructuras reticulares fabricadas en acero inoxidable 15-5PH mediante DMLS". Final Project Degree on Aerospace Engineering ETSI Univ. Cádiz UCA, author: Juan Antonio Castillo Benítez.


The winning projet will be anounce at the end of December 2020.

Congratulations to all participants!