About technical enquiries

CEDINOX has made its best so that the information about the enquiry is accurate. However it has been prepared in response to requests which may not include all the necessary information concerning the specific question raised, and therefore CEDINOX does not assume any responsibility for direct or indirect damages and loss arising out of the normal use or misuse of such information which is considered to be provided with a general and illustrative nature.

Data processing of the information

According to the Spanish Law no. 15/1999, of 13th December, of Personal Data Protection, we inform you that the data filled in this form will be incorporated and processed in CEDINOX' files with the purpose to offer you the answer to the enquiries you may make or send you our newsletter. Therefore, we inform you of your right of access, amendment, cancellation and opposition concerning your personal data which may be exercised by written request sent to:dpo@acerinox.com 

or by post to:
100, Santiago de Compostela st, 4th floor
28035 Madrid (Spain)


Enquiry form

Remember: if you want to upload more than 3 files, you may zip them

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.


Please check that all required fields have been filled in and press "send". We will contact you as soon as possible.